Farr West Leather has a great line of unquie quivers for those that prefer a quiver off the bow.
The Absorkee Quivers feature one of the easiest on and off quivers on the market, yet is secure and stays put until it is time to move it. Being on your side, the arrows are ready and easily accessible. Thick brush is also no problem. Recently, I have changed the design a little bit, so that the hood edges stick out past the foam, for larger broadheads.
The Absorkee Quivers are all built by hand, out of quality Herman Oak Leather, and will last into your grandkids lifetime!
They start at $150.00 and go up from there...
This is the Emigrant, it is a 5+1, 5 broadheads, and a dedicated spot for a judo or rubber blunt.
The original Absorkee Quiver, 5 broadheads
Then we have our newest, the Absorkee Over the Shoulder, which comes with or with out a judo/blunt pocket.
In addition to the Absorkee Quivers, we also make and sell the Ultimate Rover, and the Ultimate Hunter.
The Ultimate Rover started out as a pocket quiver that had the ability to carry Judo Points, and quickly turned into the Ultimate Roving quiver. The Ultimate Rover carries 3 Judo Points, and in the pocket has the ability to carry 8-10 field points. This quiver is not designed or made foe broadheads.
The Ultimate Hunter, is the beefed up version of the Ultimate Rover. It too has the place for 3 Judo points, and has 4 individual pockets for two blade broadheads. The broadheads are in their own pocket, no foam, and the edges touc very little or nothing, so they can stay sharp longer, versus foam.
For those interested in a quiver, I am willing to extend the sale through the weekend...Sunday at 6 pm mountain time it'll be over.