......Its time for the fallow rut.
I have been putting in some early mornings and late night this week trying to get a fair chance at a fallow Buck with my longbow. So much fun and so many close calls, getting in range of 12 in all from distances of 6-30 meters. Always something wrong. vegetation,angle of shot, animal moving or caught my wind at the last second. Exciting, frustrating, rewarding and soul destroying all at once. This morning I had a fantastic stalk on 2 Bucks who were not quite fighting over a Doe, but pacing and croaking at each other.
Those who know fallow will know their reaction time is up there with the fastest of deer, and so I wont shoot over 20 meters unless the circumstance is exceptional, and so when one of the Bucks paused side on at 20 and after 40 minutes of creeping close, I drew back just as an errant gust of wind alerted him and like that they were gone.
Patience though, has its reward! I set myself up on a stalk on another Buck, only to find this guy had the same idea. He never saw me crouched by the log as he passed by at 3 meters! At that range of course the arrow flew straight.