Thom definitely represents all that is good about our hunting tradition. He's a wonderful person in other respects as well as he shared unstintingly of his time and knowledge when I was struggling with some EFOC arrows, but it's this hunting ethic that I respect most.
I spent somewhere around 20 years in Germany and that's the first place I got into a group of hunters, other than my high school buds. Germany is very rich in hunting traditions, including respect for the downed game. Many Americans might find it overly "stuffy", but I loved it. From the "last bite", to the way the kill is arranged in a drive hunt, to the private moments spent when you approach your kill. You never step over the body of downed game, you walk around it. There is no fist pumping or yelling. There is plenty of time for celebration after the hunt when "hunting lies" are swapped, a beer or schnaps (or normally several) are raised in toast, and things can get noisy. Your time with your downed quarry is a time for respect.
Thanks Thom for a great story.