I am 44, I have 4 children between ages 7-16. I agree with you, and for a variety of reasons. One is the reason you state. I also believe children must be taught that they must exhibit a certain level of maturity and respect for the endeavor they are pursuing prior to partaking in it (like driving).
Lastly, at a young age my kids would MUCH rather go stumping than sit in a blind and color. I would take them out with other kids and/or adults and just have a blast. That type of thing allows for so many opportunities to teach about safety, and respect for game and land. Plus, kids just like it. Take them out to breakfast, stump for a while, eat lunch in the much better for them than getting up early or trying to be occupied in a blind.
Anyway, I wasn't going to chime in until I read your post. I think I am a minority. That's ok. It's great to see people getting their kids out doors and if it's safe and works for the parent and child...go for it.
BTW...when it comes to gun hunting I am the pack mule for my 14 year old son. He's a much better shot than me, so I let him take the shots. I can already tell my 7 year old will be in a tree saddle killing deer with a bow on his own at 16, but he's not been out hunting with me yet. We do shoot bows together a lot, he shoots his BB gun. We camp, we hike. I just don't ask him to sit in a blind for 4 hours.