Yesterday end up with another close encounter. I pulled into my parking spot yesterday afternoon and steped out of my car. Looked to my right and there was a Tom standing. He worked his way back into the woods. I quickly grabed my vest, decoys, blind, and chair. I worked my awround to where I thought he would go. After setting up,i have a few quiet calls and waited. It wasn't long he gobbled about 75 yards away.he worked his way in, and when he saw the decoys he buggered. I quickly called again and he setteled down but wouldn't commit. He strutted at 30 yards for what seems like hours. He finally worked off into a valley. It wasn't long and he was walking behind the blind and worked his way around to the left but stayed out of range. This continued all evening until 30 min before dark. Any suggestions would be appreciated. My only thought was maybe he's a subordinate gobbler. Or something was wrong with my decoys or setup.