Yesterday evening, my son and I returned to the same area. This time I had my new string tracker installed and ready to go. We packed our blind, decoys, and chairs into my favorite spot. After setting up I gave a few soft calls and sat back and waited. I caught movement from the left. It was a Jake sneaking in. My son was carring my mossberg shot gun for back up. The plan was to wait and see if he would come into bow range, my son couldn't handle the pressure. He finally worked his way to about 20 yards. The arrow flew true. He hit the ground and it was all over in a matter of seconds. After a few high fives and pictures, we settled back into the blind. I sent Dalton a few pictures and he quickly called me to congratulate me. After I hung up the phone, I caught movement again. This time it was right at my decoys. Two more Jake's had moved in. My son quickly took the opportunity. This will be a day I will never forget. I will post a few pictures later. I'm typing this while setting in the blind this morning. Oh I got the job done with my centaur longbow and Easton traditional axis arrows with a 200 grain abowyer head.