Hope you can stay on one side with that shoulder. I have injured my shoulders twice, neither time did it have anything to do with shooting a bow. A slippery rock caught me once, I broke a Schulz on that one, and last year a slippery ladder and a leaf blower, those rungs get going really fast when your feet ain't on any of them. i found if I kept mind shoulder rotation to a minimum motion that i could shoot right handed again, as in half swing half spread draw, with a minimum of straight back. You may need to watch yourself and take a slower tempo between arrows if you hold for a bit when shooting to let the fluids work in around any injured tissue. You won't have the other problem that I had if you have not settled into a right hand bow completely. I switch hit all the time, once an hour before sun-up, I put on my left hand arm guard, loaded my left hand bow, put on my right hand shooting glove, took out my judo point, slung on my right hand back quiver, put the arrow on the string did a couple of warm up draws and then in the moonlight shot the round bale next to where I parked. Man that hurt, it never hurt before. I took the right shooting glove off my right hand, went and got my back up left hand tab and figured okay I'm good to go. NO sneaking around for me that day, I could barely walk with the wrong back quiver on.