The spine comments are going to be all over the board, really varies by the bow and archer - those arrows should work at some length and weight. Arne and Bisch have a lot of experience.
I draw 28, with 47-51 lb recurves, 400 spine and 225 up front I can get them from 29.25"-30.5",depending on the shaft. All my shelves are cut past center though and one is a widow with a large brace height. I use that set up on these bows
PMA 48@28
Predator 51@28
Kota Voyaguer 47@28
If that is an old Bear Grizly your shaft will be a lot weaker than these. Especially with B50 16 strand string
I think the recurves around 50 lbs are hard to get to 10 gpp. Mine are always 11+ or too light if I go to a 500 spine shaft, not dealing with plastic inserts for weight, been there, done that.
Wood shaft 60-65 lbs, and 125 up front will get you there! Cedar will be right around 10gpp, if you care