The boy has a range of about 20 yards. Any attempts to stretch that out are a problem for now. We really like them inside 15 and in practice he is deadly from that range. This place however, can be tough. Something about a big Ol bird bearing down on you and having to compose yourself enough to pick a spot. I have missed more birds in 5 years than I have killed...and I have killed close to 20. Here in NE this week alone I had a 33% success rate (2 misses, clean). The other thing is that as a new bowhunter remembering to pick a spot, in my opinion, is the hardest part. The mechanics of the shot are memorized, anchor burned in the memory: checklist complete, oh dang, forgot to pick where the arrow is supposed to hit. No excuses...just the way I see it from the cheap seats.
So el grande Rio grande is right at his effective kill spot. I green light it when he asks if he is in range and he does everything perfectly. The shot looked great from my angle and the bird does a flip, lands on his feet with wings out and runs 20 yards. I think he is done for and then something crazy happens: full strut!!! Seth and I looked at each other like a couple of crazy kids that just caught Santa Claus in a snare. Couldn't be....but it was.
My buddy Josh was up on a hill with his phone scope and camera. The video tells the tale: breast meat. Here is a still from the vid:
*Forward of the goods
We watched that darn bird strutt for a 1/4 mile. The arrow was painted but we all saw this bird pull a Lazarus. Unbelievable. I looked at Seth expecting a burst of emotion. All I got was a head-down smile and a shake of the head as almost to say "these birds are the devil". Why yes they are son, yes they are.
*Wry smile
We checked the arrow and it confirmed a pass through soft tissue. Bloody as heck, Tuffhead sharper than ever. Is what it is I guess.
*Bloody 2020
I'd like to say we pulled some stuff out and made something happen. We almost got it done on jakes, but we ended up packing it in. It was awesome anyway! I think my other mates got a dose of this Tradbow turkey hunting and will be hooked. I know my son has no choice now: he has been grabbed and pulled into the deep water by something he will spend his whole life doing. Last night after work he sat on his stool and relived that shot many times, making it every time. I see a fire burning and that is alright by me.
We said goodbye to Nick and Ryan with well wishes for the rest of the family. We made plans for another hunt in turkey Valhalla, next time with a boy a year older, with a fire for this game that will be stoked a little hotter because of this trip. Until then amigos...