I emailed him.. don't like his response..
Hi Daniel,
It's a very long story bud. Last fall I started having severe pain in my back and neck and then started to lose the functioning of my legs, falling down, missing steps, that sort of thing. In November, I passed out here in my home falling into a door jam and messing up my face. When I came to. I remembered that I had been on the phone with my wife. She is a RN and called 911, thinking that I had a stroke. At the hospital, I was evaluated by the stroke team but they found no evidence of stroke. I had MRIs of my back and head that day and later that night, two surgeons came to my room to tell me that I had a large aneurism on my carotid artery, right at the base of my brain as well as two areas of my spine that were badly damaged. Because of the disease that I have, I have to take blood thinners everyday and they were worried that this would be a disaster if they operated. The aneurism had to be fixed though as it covered 270 degrees of a 360 degree vessel, and it was leaking. Anyway, I had the seven plus hour surgery and only by the grace of God did I survive. I have to wait until July to see if the repair they did is good enough to have the surgeries I need on my back. I've really missed all of my Tradgang friends but I still have trouble with cognition and stringing words together and my memory is terrible. I would be too embarrassed to attempt a conversation on the fly. Just this little note took me almost thirty minutes to write. I haven't shot a bow in a long time and man do I miss it! I used to shoot everyday! Anyway, thank you so much for writing Daniel. Please keep me in your prayers.
God Bless,