Y'all are so right in all you say. I collect offerings (interesting things, I hope) throughout the year and then (procrastinate on) take(ing) pics and post(ing) for the auction each year; hoping to help through others donations to boost my own small efforts to help. AND I MUST get on the stick and "Git 'er done" - LOL. I always hope to add chances for those who feel they can't help, to get into the action along with those blessed angels who can, and do, carry the brunt of the donations. Please remember that every little bit helps, and like we couldn't help as much ass we do without our "angels", we also couldn't help as much without our "angels without so deep a pockets as some". Any thing/amount you can offer, bid on, donate as cash, or do to incite bids will help raise the grand total, and you will be surprised what a good feeling it will give you to know you did what you could.
Bless you all, bless us all.
(I'll be posting offers soon - I PROMISE)