This is my opinion, right or wrong....but so far its held true for me. Whether a 1 1/16" hole or 3" hole is cut through the lungs, the animal will go the same distance. We are not trying to kill by blood loss, but ultimately our goal instead is to shut the oxygen off to the brain and body by removing lung function, and to get the air pushing in and out of the arrow hole instead of staying in the lungs to refresh brain and body muscle. Anyone witnessing this up close and personal to a double lung hit animal until it expires, knows what that sounds and looks like. Its the quickest death and shortest track jobs. Even heart shot animals tend to go much farther, because body movement alone circulates enough blood to keep them on their feet longer. I realize shots dont always go as planned, but splitting hairs between 1/4" width differences doesn't get different results very often . Maybe in the very rare case, but in all practicality...not much difference. Broadhead design, and sharpness to insure deep penetration is much more of an influence, but above all, place the arrow through both lungs (accuracy) to make quick deaths and short recovery.