Ive had a couple of guys inquiring about the hunt idea that mentioned on the NC turkey bowhunting thread. Seems there is quite a bit of interest, with that being said, i thought i would start a thread on it and see where it goes.
I was thinking about hunting some game land here in Ashe, (there are 3) I dont really want to put too much info out on the internet about it but there seems to be plenty of good sign on it. By good sign i mean plenty of rubs and scrapes and such, i have also bumped several deer while scouting.
I don't want anyone thinking however that this would be a cake walk with 5k deer running everywhere begging to get shot because that simply isn't the case. I have been lucky enough over the years to have access to a lot of properties, and when i scout this i don't get the impression that there are a million deer, but i do get the impression i could kill a stud in there. The terrain is steep, and a lot of walking will be a necessity. Climbing stand will be your best bet, and i can promise you that you will want a light one.
There is no hunting on public ground on Sundays, so a Thursday-saturday evening or friday and saturday would be our best bet i would think. I am still looking into campgrounds in the area, but at most it would be 12-15min away from the hunting area. Camping will be a blast, maybe we can put together a meal plan and eat good while we are "roughing it."
As far as dates, i really need to know what works best for you guys, i live here so i can hunt almost anytime so long as it doesnt interfere with a weekend i will be in OH. I plan on going to a PBS hunt sometime in late October early November (maybe both) put on by Mr. Holchin, so that kinda rules out late Oct as i can think of at least 3-4 that want to be on this hunt that are lined up for OH those weekends too.
That leaves us with the 3 weekends in Oct, the weekends of the 1st, 8th, and 15th. Maybe the end of September would work better for some? Like i said, we need to discuss that.
To be legal you will obviously need your NC license, as well as a Game Land license, which you can get for $15 at anywhere selling licenses.
For any flatlanders interested, it can get cold in Oct up here, I've hunted in snow in bow season plenty of times. More than likely though, it will be a nice temperature.
Forgive me, i am sure i have forgotten a ton of info, just point out all I've forgotten. You don't have to be from NC to join, but there really should be a limit of around 6-8 or so, but I'm sure life will happen, and people will have to cancel, so if you're interested let me know.
Well, lets see where it goes. Info i need to know from you guys is
1. Are you interested/coming.
2. What dates work best for you.
3. Any clever ideas for the hunt name
What say ye?