I am a big fan of the Tuskers as you might imagine, and as a result we have the largest assortment of Tuskers in the world. As far as sharpening, they are a lot like the old Grizzlies, you need to take some steel off and get all the way through the bevel the first time. However once done, they get wicked sharp and tend to hold their edge very well. Resharpening is no more effort than any other head, just the first time around.
You will not be able to properly remove steel with a finishing sharpener such as a KME, you need a file or similar, however once an edge is developed you are good to go with about anything. Fortunately the bevel edge is better out of the pack these days than it was 5 years ago. It wasn't all that long ago that Tuskers came with no bevel at all!
Here is a video John at Tusker did, it demonstrates some of their toughness and he also gives one file method sharpening demo.
For those who don't care to sharpen, we also now have factory pre-sharpened "Bloody Sharp" heads available but they are screw ins only.