Below are some pictures of my new Ramer, I just picked it up from Steve Friday at Compton. I shot it a bit on Friday, but I really didn't have a chance to mess with it until today. The Ramer is Steve's reverse handle (like my beloved Whisper) string follow longbow. Mine is 66 inches, 60 # at 28". I shot it for about an hour today, twisting and tweaking the string until I got what I believe to be the perfect brace height.
The reverse handle and string follow combine for a VERY forgiving, easy to shoot bow. It drew extremely smooth, hit where I looked, and sent a 625 grain arrow downrange with authority. I LOVE the reverse handle....but I already knew that. I am very surprised at how pleasant and smooth the string follow profile makes this bow.
I will shoot it a bit more tomorrow before I tie on a nock set. It is already "hunting quiet", but I will put something on the string to dampen what minute noise there is. I am loving this Whisper should be worried.
This is my 3rd green glass bow from all of your bows have green glass, your wife has no idea when you bring in a new one. I call that "marital bliss camouflage"