Since hunting season is getting a little closer I've changed up my practice routine. After some advice from other posts here, I'm not shooting groups. My new practice session is only 15 shots. I get one arrow, and shoot 12 shots from different distances and angles from 10 to 25 yards. After those 12 shots, I grab 3 arrows and climb up in the tree stand in my yard and shoot 3 arrows into a 15 yard target. Then I'm done until the next day. Shooting less really allows me to focus on my basics and make sure my form is perfect. And the moving around and different angles is more realistic for how it will be in hunting situations from ground blinds. Of course the tree stand practice is important too. In the next few days, even though the heat is horrible here I'm going to start shooting in my ghillie suit and in heavy hunting clothes just to see what if any adjustments I'll have to make. I'll probably start shooting from my ground blind stool some as well as from my knees.
With all that said, I just got into this back in December. I'm stoked to see it all coming together, and pretty much everything I've learned I've learned right here. So I'd like to thank y'all for all the tips and advice. This is a huge step for me, but I think if the right offer comes along on my compound I'm gonna sell it. I don't see myself ever going back.