Ive broken both of mine in separate accidents, both hunting related with complete separation on each at the elbow area.. the first was my left arm and I did it October 20th a few years ago. I shoot left handed and we were nearing the rut. I knew what I had done by the POP and muscle balling up, but like a DA I found I could still draw my 63 lb recurve by hooking the string and just using my back and shoulder to draw, it hurt but not bad. I did kill 3 deer with it broken. Climbing a tree was a different story,that hurt and forced me to do it 1 handed, and ground hunt. I waited on the repair until late December, after the rut to go to the orthopedic surgeon, who I have used in the past and had a good relationship with.. anyway he wore me out for waiting so long, the tendon had withdrew up to my shoulder and I have a heck of a scar where he had to retrieve it and make the repair. I was back to shooting in about 3 months. Then the 2nd break was a couple years later on my right arm, on almost the same date, same deal, the pop and muscle balling up .. I went to the Doc the following week and asked how long I could wait on the repair, he told me 6 weeks max, it was my right arm, which is my bow arm. this created a issue as the bow's recoil even though unnoticeable normally it was just to painful to shoot. so I just guided my wife and had the surgery 6 weeks later. Recovery was again about 3 months.. I still have issues with my left bicep when I pull or twist it just right, and have lost strength in both arms with some deformity in both biceps, good luck to ya, as others have said listen listen to your doc...
its a big deal but not a huge one .. oh im 62 yrs old if that makes any difference Dave