I have never bowhunted antelope, but I have killed eighteen of them with rifles and muzzle loaders.
Just about every post above has touched on antelope behavior. Like Jim said, he used a natural travel route. In addition to Gates, as mentioned, they have favorite fence crossings and use them habitually. They also tend to follow fence line's to get to the crossings. They will follow fence line's even when fleeing full bore!
Antelope can jump a fence but rarely do so. I've only seen it a couple times and it was always single animals, never a group.
If it is a dry year, waterhole hunting is good. But, on public land competition for waterhole setups can be tough. Having a waterhole on private in a drought is practically a guarantee of an opportunity.
In Colorado, the big game animal with the highest success rate for bowhunters is antelope. The reason is waterhole hunting.
So, there are a couple things that guy's have told me they did or have seen done. This is all hearsay.
Supposedly you can set up a small container of water such as a kiddie pool and keep it filled. Supposedly they can smell the water. In one version of the story there is a bubbler in the water to accentuate the smell.
Then there is the full size cow or horse silhouette that you hold in front of you and slowly walk up to the antelope. I've been told by guys who claim to have done it and we all know that hunters speak only the truth.