Welcome to the Gang Trudy...we Canucks can no longer specify where we are from like I could when I joined and I am always interested where folks live (I am about to drive 6 hours in a couple of weeks to visit with a fellow Trad shooter)...there are a lot of string materials that are no longer made by either Brownell or BCY simply because things change...neither company is going to invest much in building materials that work for stick bows since our numbers are low...string material changes are all about what works for wheel bow shooters...I had a string made for my Matthews Solo Cam break suddenly which turns out to have been a problem with that material (I cannot remember what it was)...for what a roll of string material costs it is hardly worth fooling around with older material that might be suspect...buy some BCY-X from Chad (who will practically give it away when he is in the mood) and never look back