One year on a nice late October day, I was about 50 yards from my van, heading home for lunch. A doe came over the hill with in feet of me. She stopped making all kinds of noise, she went right past me back down the slope towards the road. Coming up the road was a woman with two dogs. In the ditch were her fawns. I was impressed that she was so bonded to those little ones that she would repeatedly take such a risk. I had lots of doe tags from the farmer, but I could no longer shoot adult does with fawns. I took a couple of year and a half does that I was certain had no fawns. Later that same year, just before Christmas, in the dark on the way home, it was extremely cold and windy, a doe and a tiny little fawn with spots crossed in front of me while I was at a stop sign. They both looked like they were in trouble, I felt terrible for them. I am guessing that doe was bred extremely late, I have never seen such a young one that late before. I have not shot a doe since unless I was sure that she had no fawns. Late in the season a doe with button bucks is not very attached to them, but I will not shoot any doe that could possibly have a fawn in early season, until I am positive that she is dry with no fawns.