Multiple ways to start a fire, packed in different areas to minimize loss or destruction/damage. ( ie waterproof strike anywhere matches, in metal match case, magnifying glass, Zippo lighter/fluid/flints, "Bic" disposable lighter (tape gas level closed, so tight packing/movement is minimized for fuel loss). cotton ball dipped in wax. candles.
Plastic drop cloth ( light weight, minimimal bulk for protection from environment/ rain,wind etc., can be made into a shelter if caught in elements). Water collection in rain, or making solar still ( 2 fot deep hole in ground with cup at bottom, plastic over top, weighted with small rock over cup. Condensation builds on plastic, directed into cup. Vila , passive water collection.
Acme Thunderer whistle (metal "coaches / lifeguard whistle") for signaling. Min space. Max noise.
6 inch folding saw. ( shelter making).
Small sponge (soak up water for drinking).
Pak-lite 9V flashlight. small but VERY useful illumination.
Think of simple things for food, shelter, staying alive and dry for your hunting area and time of year.