Whats up CT?: You getting some time off to come home and hunt the early season? If you remember from other site/trad thread? I had several encounters with a big bull with royal points on each side last year, all this year I have been glassing, hiking, looking for sheds, TC's in bedding areas, and travel routes, nothing to show that he made it to this year! My only and last hope was he is one of those bulls that lives somewhere else, and moves in to where the cows hold up all year long? Well yesterday was last TC card/battery switch, the last TC I came to I could see several alders rubbed, and one was really worked, all these rubs were no further than 25 yards in front of my TC.... I was so happy, and couldn't wait to get home... I get home, get out of boots and start going through the pics...I was crushed, felt like a little kid disappointed on Christmas day, to see that batteries had died on 8/2 and no elk!
So the unknown is still unknown.