The first shipment of “A Traditional Bowhunter’s Path” finally arrived last week and is now available for purchase on our website at 10% of proceeds from books purchased at will go to support Backcountry Hunters & Anglers or the National Archery in the Schools Program. When checking out, simply pick which organization you wish to fund.
Below is a mini-excerpt from Don Thomas’s foreword and a few sample topics.
Thanks for your support!!
“Given the number of books on bowhunting in print nowadays, can anyone really find a way to tell the story in a manner that hasn’t been used before? The answer is yes, as Ron Rohrbaugh neatly demonstrates in this volume. Had I read this material fifty years ago, I might well be shooting bows differently today—and shooting them better. Scattered among instructive and entertaining chapters, lie what I consider the lyrical heart of the book: erudite and remarkably successful efforts to explain the spirit--the ever elusive why--that motivates a small minority of hunters to voluntarily limit their means of take to simple stick and string. The book’s final chapter, a summary of the ethical and political challenges today’s bowhunters face in their obligation to continue America’s tradition of the ethical hunter-conservationist, could easily serve as a standalone guide to the subject.”
Sample Topics:
• Shooting techniques for hunting situations
• Techniques for ground and treestand hunting
• Whitetail hunting strategies
• Dozens of engaging hunting stories from North America and South Africa
• History and role of the Hunter-Conservationist
• Craft and history of bowhunting
• Controversial subjects, such as baiting, high-fence “hunting,” and extreme technology