When you're hunting big game animals, do you stop them while they're walking to get a shot or do you allow them to stop on a natural pause? I realize that deer, for example, will be on high alert when grunted at. I also realize all the potential problems associated with stopping deer prior to shooting at them; things such as string jumping, wounding animals, hurrying a shot causing a poor hit, educating local deer populations in your hunting area...
If you're a hunter who always wait for their natural pause, do you then set, within your personal hunting limitations, the possibility of letting the animal walk by, and that the deer may not stop until out of range?
I'm just curious what others do when facing with that decision. I have stopped deer to take a shot before. I've also made poor shots as a result of rushing to shoot after stopping the deer. I've also killed some nice deer by grunting at them prior to the shot. Personally, I'm at the point where I'm going to let the deer stop on their natural pause. If they don't stop within bow range, so be it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying one way is right and the other is wrong. Each hunter has to make their own decision on what's best.