My KME process with 200 grain VPAs which are very hard tool steel was to set the stones aside. Get a flat piece of glass. Start with 350 grit sandpaper ...maybe 8 passes to get the profile, then 600 grit, paper on glass,10,9,8,7 etc passes, flipping the head after each run... moving on to 800 ...same deal By now, we are polishing a defined edge...then on to 1000 grit, same deal..light strokes, 10 on 1 side, flip, 10 on side 2, 9 on side 1, 9 on side 2 etc all the way down to 1 and 1....takes about 20 minutes per head but when finished, they will shave your arm hair (dry) if that is the objective. Sandpaper on glass works for me better than stones.