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Author Topic: Bow stand names  (Read 3529 times)

Offline tomsm44

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Re: Bow stand names
« Reply #20 on: August 26, 2016, 09:55:00 AM »
Oh, I almost forgot.

The Buzzard Stand - This involves a wooden box stand that was turned into a buzzard nesting site without our permission one year.  We brought it out, cleaned it with bleach, repainted over the inside and finally managed to get the smell out.  We put it back on the lease in a different place, and the buzzards found it again the following year.  It's also been replaced with a newer stand now, but the last location where it was used is still called the Buzzard Stand.
Matt Toms

Flatwoods Custom R/D:  64", 47@28
'66 Kodiak: 60", 55@28
Redwing Hunter:  58", 53@28
Ben Pearson 709 Hunter:  58", 47@28
Ben Pearson 709 Hunter:  58", 42@28
Hoots Recurve:  56", 42@28

Offline Barry Wensel

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Re: Bow stand names
« Reply #21 on: August 26, 2016, 10:02:00 AM »
Squirrels Nest- Has a big ball of leaves around it
Old Yeller- A yellow colored cattle water tank near it.
Westside Story- On west side of property
Grand Junction- a great epi-center
Short Stop- Platform is only 6 feet high
Oakridge Boys- along an oak ridge where we see more bucks than does
Buckshot- I killed a big one out of this one
Flatbush- along a brushy/thick flat
Flathead- Head of a flat ridge
Little Beaver- small hidden internal beaver pond
Thunderbolt- We put it up during a lightning storm
Plumbers Crack- view from the ground when erecting stand
Double Lunger- Obvious reason
Hot Pocket- a tiny hot spot
Dead Cow- Found a dead cow across the fence west of it
Rubberneck- they came at you from any direction
cont'd  bw

Offline r.spencer

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Re: Bow stand names
« Reply #22 on: August 26, 2016, 10:16:00 AM »
The Bowl-sits in a natural bowl shape
3 corners- 3 property lines come together
condo- elevated box blind
twins- 2 man ladder between 2 trees
pond bank- sits on a pond bank
money- consitantly produces deer
turkey ridge- in a natural turkey roosting area
double trouble- 2 man ladder that i killed 2 deer in 1 outing
If you are going to be a bear , be a grizzly

Offline Barry Wensel

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Re: Bow stand names
« Reply #23 on: August 26, 2016, 10:22:00 AM »
Slingshot- In a big forked tree
Warden- met a game warden near it
Scenic Vista- You can see a long ways from it
Takedown- We had to move the stand five times before we got it right
Tater Hoe- found an old farmers potato hoe near it
Midas Touch- A guy who needed a new muffler drove by it every morning on his way to work
Back Door- Entered it from the back side
Upper Lip- at the top of a bowel
Lower Lip- at the bottom of the same bowl
Dentures- half way between upper and lower lips
Triple Bypass- triple tree
Wet Dream- Along a boggy/soggy heavy trail
Hollywood & Vine- A ladder totally engulfed in vines
Ashes- good enough to spread your ashes around some day
Finger Lickin' Good- self explanatory
ATV- you can drive an ATV right to it
Bridge Ridge- a bridge right at the bottom of the ridge
Heavens Gate- a great gate opening
Goner- Killed a big N/T here. He kept going by when I was gone.
Hamburger Helper- You'll need some
The Dump- A 50 yr. old internal farmers dump near it
Drum Stand- an old rusted 55 drum near it
Clubfoot- passed up a big one that had a healed broken leg but was only 4.5 yrs. old

Offline TooManyHobbies

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Re: Bow stand names
« Reply #24 on: August 26, 2016, 04:27:00 PM »
Weasel Run - the only live weasel I've ever seen running a stone wall.
The Deadfalls - quite a few blown over trees.
140 Buck Street - He was a rifle kill on the ground, but I put up a bow stand.
The Stumps - same as the deadfalls.
Spastic Doe Crossing - skipper doe came hauling past, made a loop and flew back by.
The Ridge - self explanatory.
T's Stand - my son Tyler's good luck spot.
The Dome - Like Bisch's Astroblind, on edge of field.
Sarah's Place - Owner's name, not necessarily the tree(s).
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68" Kohannah Long Bow 62@30

Offline John Krause

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Re: Bow stand names
« Reply #25 on: August 26, 2016, 07:17:00 PM »
One thing about stand names is a buddy knows exactly where you are with no lengthy explanation.

We had one guy several years ago that took five minutes to tell you where he would be hunting. Go down the logging road east and the first trail on the right, go across the creek.....blah, blah, blah.

I have an aerial map of the property in the cabin with all the stand names on round pasties. It is really handy. Plus its just fun naming them. Sometimes they get a name immediately after getting set but sometimes it takes a while.

Another one we have is Bulls eye. Had to trim off a limb so you could stand and the inner part of the limb looked like a bulls eye.

There is also a field corner, dump stand, coon tree, wooded food plot.
When a man shoots with a bow it is own vigor of body that drives the arrow,  his own mind controls the missile's flight......His trained muscles and toughened thews have done the work

Offline Steve Leffler

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Re: Bow stand names
« Reply #26 on: August 26, 2016, 08:28:00 PM »
Blazing Sadldle-  Stand just below a great saddle in a ridge
Tex mex. Stand for a SW wind
Goldilocks- saw 3 bears walk under the stand 1 night
Zacks stand. Where my son likes to sit
Top Gun-Highest point on the ridge
Escape valve- close to the house and I can be in the tree in about 5 minutes when I get home late from work
Middle Earth. On the center of our property

Offline Steve Leffler

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Re: Bow stand names
« Reply #27 on: August 26, 2016, 08:30:00 PM »
I remember one year my dad and I were hunting in Iowa with you and my dad was hunting in the "whorehouse" as it was a great rutting spot.  We were in the diner and my dad got some strange looks when he loudly said he wanted to go back to the whorehouse again the next day

Offline Barry Wensel

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Re: Bow stand names
« Reply #28 on: August 26, 2016, 09:21:00 PM »
Yes.. I remember the whorehouse... but don't quote me on that. I won't mention any names but I was walking a guy into that stand to sit when we jumped a 250"+ (yes, 250 inch plus with five drop tines.. the farmer found the sheds)100 yds. from the stand. The stand covered the only gap in an internal fence. The bowhunter had a week to hunt and he shot a 116" buck the second morning and went home happy. ????   bw

Online SuperK

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Re: Bow stand names
« Reply #29 on: August 26, 2016, 09:33:00 PM »
Hey Barry Wensel, you crack me up!   :biglaugh:
They exchanged the truth of GOD for a lie,and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator-who is forever praised.Amen Romans 1:25 NIV

Offline goingoldskool

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Re: Bow stand names
« Reply #30 on: August 26, 2016, 09:50:00 PM »
Kill-all stand....  Bucks, does, coyotes, squirrels have died from this stand.

Nosebleed stand...  sits on the edge of a creek bank. Looking down into the creek, it looks like it's 40' up.

Walnut grove...  stand sits in a walnut bottom.
"NO GOD, NO PEACE-KNOW GOD, KNOW PEACE" side of a barn along I-70, eastern Kansas
                                             Rodd Boyer
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Offline Cyclic-Rivers

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Re: Bow stand names
« Reply #31 on: August 27, 2016, 08:16:00 PM »
This year I have 2 areas I will be hunting on public land. both areas have a  couple trees to account for wind direction.

Parking lot, 4 minute walk from the parking lot, can practically see the lot and definitely see hikers walking past.

Gun Funnel. its a loooooooooong walk in but next to a rifle range.  Its a small hill that leads to a swamp and the deer seem to walk the bottom and top of this small hill.  Just went back and decided to rename, Pressure point.  Activity gets better after hunting pressure starts.

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Charlie Janssen

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Offline gregg dudley

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Re: Bow stand names
« Reply #32 on: August 27, 2016, 11:42:00 PM »
I have hunted a lot of fine properties and some not so good over the years. Some memorable stands are:

The kilin' tree-  I can not begin to guess how many deer were shot from this setup that was at the bottom of a finger that stretched down into a white oak bottom and ended about 30 yards shy of a creek crossing.

The hog graveyard-I found an old hog skull in this spot and ended up killing several hogs within spitting distance of it over several seasons.

The honey hole-I have actually hunted a stand by this name on multiple properties, but the one that comes to mind was on a farm in Edison, Ga where a narrow strip of woods separated a CRP field and a hay field.

Doe Hill-My dad killed a doe on this stand the first time he sat there and the name followed.

The white oak stand-I have never seen so many white oaks in one spot before or since.

The newbie stand-This was a stand that we generally held out for kids or new hunters.  Deer sightings were a guarantee.

The birdwatcher stand-pretty obvious name due to the number of birds that you could see from this stand.  This spot was the reason that I started carrying a camera to the woods with me.

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Online ozy clint

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Re: Bow stand names
« Reply #33 on: August 28, 2016, 05:29:00 AM »
my climber is currently set up at the 'water rat hole'. it overlooks a waterhole in a river and every time i've sat there i've seen a water rat swimming there.

another spot i call 'the hourglass'
6 trails from a hillside converge into 2 trails in a draw, 10 yards apart then fan out into 6 trails again on a river flat.

'like deer through the hourglass, so are the days of my life'    :biglaugh:
Thick fog slowly lifts
Jagged peaks and hairy beast
Food for soul and body.

Border black douglas recurve 70# and 58# HEX6 BB2 limbs

Offline swamper

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Re: Bow stand names
« Reply #34 on: August 28, 2016, 09:45:00 AM »
Swamp stand
laurel stand
holly stand
ridge stand
nose bleed stand
field stand
pine stand

Offline PeteA

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Re: Bow stand names
« Reply #35 on: August 28, 2016, 07:23:00 PM »
The Living Room
Three Walls
Pride Rock
Peanut Butter Blind
Rocky Ridge
The Cave
The Meadow
Turkey Hill
Little Swap
Acorn Ridge
Predator Hunter 46#@28
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Offline Jack Whitmire Jr

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Re: Bow stand names
« Reply #36 on: August 28, 2016, 07:59:00 PM »
Tater patch - Used to be old timers tater patch 21 bucks have died there
Frigerator - sun never hits in this funnel

Dads stand

Persimmon patch

The slide - landslide funnels deer

The chute - break in rock cliff funnels deer

House stand - 60 yards from back door

Andys stand - on Andy my neighbors place

Outhouse - really is an old outhouse

More later
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Offline Littlejake

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Re: Bow stand names
« Reply #37 on: August 28, 2016, 09:10:00 PM »
Katie's Crotch
Dead Wood
The Bowl
The Bridge
Fox Den
Corner Post
Rock Pile
Apple Tree
Long Walk
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Offline Sam McMichael

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Re: Bow stand names
« Reply #38 on: August 28, 2016, 09:29:00 PM »
Littlejake, do we even dare ask about Katie's Crotch?

Offline D. Key

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Re: Bow stand names
« Reply #39 on: August 30, 2016, 02:14:00 PM »
The Levy Stand
Chris' Stand
Helen's Stand
The Back Stand
The Secret Spot

Doug Key

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