I posted a couple arm guards for feedback this past weekend. I got some good feedback, but I wasn't crazy about the knots securing all of the lacing ends being visible. Well, when my 2 year old saw my two older kids wearing their's, he wanted to know where his was, so I had an opportunity to try a little different design. I added a tab on either side that is folded under and riveted/stitched with all of the knots concealed inside the fold. I used paracord instead of shock cord on this one just to try it out. Here it is with the one I made my daughter last weekend for comparison. This was the only color paracord I had, but my son loves blue, so it'll probably stay on there for now. This way is a little more work, but it looks a lot cleaner I think. With the paracord setup this way, it's just about as easy as the shock cord. Just loop it over the antler button, then pull the ends tight.