About half way into my hike a spring fawn rose from it's bed along the road. It watched me the entire time and allowed me to get with 15 yards before deciding it had better move out!
I got to the stand with out bumping or spotting any additional deer.
Around 5:30 the first deer appeared. Two does and a spring fawn walked into the food plot from my left at about 75 yards. They walked on a trail that took them directly past the OTHER stand on this field! they fed off to the west and then headed to one of the other plots. I looked to my right and this fawn was feeding all by itself.
The fawn fed for quite a while and every time it jerked it's head up to look down into the woods I expected to see another deer arrive. after about a half hour it fed off to the east and out of my sight line.
I was enjoying the low rolling clouds and the sounds of cattle , coyotes, hawks, crows, owls. The sky began to darken and the frog noise rose. Funny how frogs make so much noise in the woods.
I was standing and I heard the familiar sounds of deer hooves in the leaves. One was coming up the ridge and it sounded like it was going to come out right under me. I turned to the right to take the bow in hand and when removing it form it's hanger I made a very slight noise. The deer stopped, blew and ran back down the hill! Hell it was about 12 yards behind me and I had not even seen it! Well at least it wasn't the big one!@
A moment later yet another doe appeared in the food plot to my left! I didn't think it was the deer that ran and yet there it was. It too fed off in westerly direction.
finally it was time to go. Halfway down the ladder, I glanced over my shoulder into the plot and the fawn I had watched earlier was walking past the front of the stand . I stood on the ladder and noticed it was being trailed by a big fat skunk! The fawn would stop and look back every few steps as if to say to the skunk, : are you coming or what"?