Went out yesterday evening, and took my oldest boy (5 now). We hunted on the east side of our property with a N wind that was good for the direction the deer would enter the food plot. The plot is an interior plot with brassica/beets, the deer will usually feed here before working out to one of our bean fields on the south edge of the property. a About 5 PM we had the first set of does / fawns enter the field. All was looking good as the plan was to shoot a doe to get the season started. Then about 5:30 two bucks showed up, one a 2.5 yr old with some awesome potential, forked G2's & 3's, and with him was a 5 yr old 8, one of the deer on the shoot list for the year. The bucks and does worked our way but the old doe must be familiar with our blind set as she dropped into the ditch to the east instead of walking by the blind. She used the ditch to circle to our NE and pick up our wind. She made a racket and cleared the field for us. going to to wait till we get a strong west wind and sit NE of the blind set and see if I can't kill her. Thats a good all day stand for the rut and I can have her blowing up the field every time.