Thanks guys! This was such a rewarding harvest.
To try and make a long story short
This buck was with 2 does about a mile from a larger heard. I had been on my belly chasing after them, crawling from soapweed to soapweed, for about 2 hours before they finally went to bed down on the other side of a small hill covered in kochia weeds.
I wait and let them settle in before I start crawling over to the hill, I had to go out of my way a good while before I could approach the hill at an angle that would obscure me from the goats. I finally get the back side of the hill and cant believe my good luck. I'm thinking all I have to do is poke my head around and these goats will be bedded down 20 yards away!!!!!
Wrong! I misjudged the distance and the antelope were actually about a 70 yards on the other side of the hill, and it was as flat as a pool table from the hill to them..... crap
There was nothing to do from there but wait and watch. The breeze was in my face and the koshia weed gave me good cover to watch behind. After what seemed like an eternity they start grazing again, I think they would have kept walking away from me and into the next pasture but the feisty buck kept harassing his does, eventually he turns them from going into next pasture and they start walking back the way they came. Directly toward the hill I had been hiding behind!! This was such a surreal feeling after a long season of looking at the butt end of pronghorns trying to run away from you.
I get in position, adjust my hat bill so it won't mess up my draw, swing the binos behind me, and get a good grip on my bow.
With my bow arm held out in front of me and right hand on the string I wait hunched down facing the side I think the buck is going to walk past. It took longer than I thought but I stood still as a stone. finally I see the buck walking slow, the does must still be behind him, far enough back that I cant see them at least. He is headed right toward my hill and is coming in close!! Broadside shot at about 28 yards with 540 grain arrow tipped with a 250g cutthroat. I will never forget that flash second where I saw my fletching disappear. He did not make it a full 25 yards before he fell over.
Had backstrap the next evening on the grill