Some who follow the prayer forum will know that as I moved to TN, I've had devils own time finding places to hunt near home... lots of reasons, few excuses but I suspect it's some of the "hold my beer and watch this" experiences that soured land owners here in NE TN.
Alas, I met a guy here who invited me to his home to hunt and bowfish last year...Shag08. great Family...great guy.
We keep in touch via text as his phone won't talk no more and he doesn't do email
Anyway, I had shoulder surgery and am limited by surgeon as to what I can do... the exercises I'm doing are no better or worse then pulling a bow, and it's only now that he said my time to even "try" was coming of age...
I've been working with some light glass bows like we used in gym class eons ago... to try to develop the strength.
REading of this, Brandon offered and sent me a 35# samick he had among a deep stable says he of others... plus some arrows!
I had an offer to get with a guy who has some land thru a aged 3rd party friend, so I was going if only to sit with a camera... but Brandon would have none of that and sent out the bow and arrows to arrive tomorrow.
This is a community, no doubt! I've met the best people in my life in TRAD archery... many no longer on sites, but they remain fond memories.
Hat off to Brandon and his wonderful family of 3..wife, a fine taxidermist, and his darling daughter, Evey!
I'm sitting home tomorrow waiting on a box!