frustrating night. busted by lead doe in a 7 doe group as I shifted feet to get in better shot stance. they came in behind me and I had to wait for them to come around the tree I was in, tried to shift feet before lead doe came around tree but to late. this is the third night the deer have came in from the same location and its as a easy fix, move tree stand around to other side of field in back of me which I will do tomorrow morning after I hunt. about a half hour before dark I can hear 2 bucks fighting, antler on antler travels pretty good! a few minutes latter here comes 3 bucks side by side by side, all racked bucks, two 8's and a HUGE bodied 6. scary thing is I can still hear 2 bucks fighting in lower corner of the field behind me. these bucks are coming same way the does were but about 40 yards father out in the field and just feeding showing NO signs of interest in the does. watched as they fed of behind me and were defiantly headed to other back field so I figured I would try my grunt call. well that stopped them dead in them tracks and....they snapped their heads in my direction and hauled azzz back where they came from AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!! I know now it s bad tree stand placement and can be dealt with easily but it just kills as I have limited time to move it AND hunt out of it. I know without a shadow of a doubt I would have had a shot the last few nights but I have also been seeing deer in front of me in the clover so I was hesitant to move stand but this was the straw that broke the camels back for sure. I will tell you if this was anyone else telling ME these stories about deer like this in a 30 acre parcel I would without a doubt think you were spinning a tall tale BUT it is ME seeing it....withal this going on I still had 2 does in front of me 75 yards out in the clover field like they SHOULD BE. I knew after I put this stand up the placement was not ideal as far as background cover but thought if I stayed still and the bucks would soon let their guard down a bit chasing does I would be able to nail one. after hearing the 2 bucks fighting I am encouraged about the rut getting ready to heat up but watching the 3 big boys side by side with no interest leads me to believe we are another week away from it. thank all of you for the encouraging woods and don't loose faith in me as I have not, i'm still in this fight as they say. I enjoy it and am only frustrated as far as time to hunt, I go on vacation week after next though.