Many ways to hunt. I choose, you choose, we all choose....(I know, don't scream).
I'm in the group that has little or no experience with baiting. However, there have been times I've found myself in "Rome". When in Rome I've done as the Romans do....I've had a blast baiting bears 4 times, and a hog/deer hunt in TX.
I don't mind admitting, when that TX feeder motor went off, I was startled but then got excited. Sort of like when the neighbor's pesky mutt starts baying when I'm on stand. I despise that beast chasing deer but I do get ready in case he chases something in front of me.
For a half-dozen years (late 70's early 80's) I turned down a DIY bear hunt in Ontario with good friends. I didn't think it would be any fun hunting something over a pile of doughnuts. I relented and went in 1984. It was so fun, almost like running a trapline, finding bait sites, baiting, checking baits and then putting up tree stands over active baits. Finding attractive baits, burning honey, burning bacon, stereo, a can of "Ten Dead Horses" (really!), etc.
Those first nights in stands after a bait was hit were very exciting. On the other hand, I could not imagine finding a bear in those wilderness brush areas or having one just happen to amble by.
Alas, DIY bear hunting became illegal a few years later and then spring bear baiting became illegal altogether. Thank goodness it is legal again. I'm hoping to go this coming spring, if my buddy who fell out of the tree 10 days ago recovers enough.
I'm with Sam on the hogs. They are destructive vermin that have, in many cases been illegally placed in the environment. If I could snap my fingers to rid the wild landscape of one creature, it would be a toss up....spiders or hogs.
In truth, I wouldn't snap those fingers because my plan sucks compared to His.