Originally posted by Bvas:
Originally posted by DanielB89:
I am curious as to many guys here hunt a non natural food source while hunting?
Hey Daniel, Have you got the answer you were looking for yet?
I noticed you went a little quite??? [/b]
I believe I got my "answer" and then some. I always respect peoples OPINIONS, but also remember that they're just like butt holes and most of them stink

I do feel a need to express my stance on this issue.
Hunting a feeder is not my primary desire. Putting meat in my freezer IS! My family and I RELY on the meat we gain each year to get us through until the next year. As I stated in the OP, I do not have much time between work, family, church, to invest enough time throughout the week to have a spot scouted out for Saturdays, because Sunday's I will be in church.
For any break I have that is more than 1 day to hunt, I will be on public land chasing deer. But I feel that being successful on public land is more about what you do before the hunt than during the hunt, and I KNOW I just don't have time to put in the time necessary to be successful on public land when I only have one day.
I appreciate all the responses, and can see most of your opinions, whether I agree with them or not. But is does bother me that think so highly of their "ethics and opinions".