Im not saying it cant be a rich food source pulling them elsewhere, it happens. But the man did say he's hunted it for 3 years straight and has always had at least some track and sign, plus he has acorns right there where they have previously been hitting them. He is now experiencing a complete ghost town of notta, nothing, zero, not even a single track. That all makes me doubt the validity of that thought.
Is this the first year you ran that camera there?
Graps, im not going to candy coat this, knowing you, I believe you like it straight so here goes. If you think about it, you've been running that camera quite a while now. At every two weeks checking, I would consider that an aggressive invasion if I were a deer. Ive seen it before. In wild core areas, if continued human presance persist, they will vacate that area. Its a pattern, of seeing lots of deer at first, then deminishing as time goes and recurring human visits persist, until the point that no deer sightings plauge you. I dont know how often you've checked for sign, but in order to know how much track and sign was there or not, you had to walk out where the deer have been traveling. That too, compounds the same effect. If this is indeed whats going on as I suspect, they wont recover for a while even if you completely quit visiting that spot. May be worth while again in a month or so, if you leave, and dont go back at all until then, and then only to hunt. You may be able to find a spot up or down trail a ways if they arent skirting you to widely where activity is still going on. Just my $.02 worth, sorry its so grim.