Welcome to the big woods. Been hunting it in NW Wisconsin for about 30 years. To answer your question, does that tree exist, my answer is maybe, but unlikely. But you can come close.
I haven't really been able to pattern mature bucks in my neck of the woods. Their circuits seem fairly large, particularly during the rut. They can and do bed and feed anywhere. That being said, I have been able to determine favored travel routes and funnels over the years. And, sometimes, there's even a tree positioned appropriately.
Unfortunately, there's a lot of logging going on here as well. Most of my best stands/trees, have been logged over the past half-dozen years. I'm continually looking for new areas.
Just spent four days grouse hunting/scouting, and it doesn't look good this year. The deer population is way down in my area of Northern Wisconsin, and sign in the woods confirms it. Going to be another tough one.
I do still have one stand that is pretty good. Though I primarily hunt the thousands of acres of county/public land in my area, I have one stand on my own 80 that has produced several nice bucks over the past 8 years or so. It's a travel corridor, funnel that is as close to a honey hole as I've been able to come. Had one other stand like that on public land, but it was logged. I won't be logging mine.
Regardless, I enjoy the challenge. Wouldn't have it any other way.