I've got the asbell anorak. And I do like it. However even in blanket weight the wind cuts through it pretty easily. I did get the wind blocker vest for it this year, so we will see how that goes.
But honestly I really prefer my cabelas wooltimate pullover with windblocker built in. Its quite a bit warmer, and blocks the wind pretty well. You really don't need much more than a t-shirt underneath it until it gets below 40 degrees.
I've almost transitioned from having a bunch of layers, to having one good base layer, and one good outer layer (with layers built into it). I'm much more comfortable that way, as opposed to layering up so much I feel like the Michelin man.
Granted my opinion is coming from Oklahoma, where its windy, and not overly cold. But I don't think you'd want to be sitting for long periods in a tree with the GFA anorak, windblocker vest, and wool baselayer much below 35-40 degrees...especially if theres any amount of wind or especially precipitation.
If its calm out or you are active then I think GFA's stuff makes a good combo. I sat out this weekend in the low 40's and fairly calm with the vest and the anorak over a cotton tee, and with wet pants from the dew I was just fine.
My 25-40 deg F combo this year for treestand hunting will likely be a first light merino wool baselayer, GFA windblocker vest, and the cabelas wooltimate. If its calm I may where the GFA anorak.