I like the windy days - sitting in a tree can be a bit uncomfortable though. I'm positive that heavy and swirling wind confuses their nose and eyes. The downside is they are super jumpy when windy, and I believe it's for that very reason...they know their nose and eyes are somewhat impaired during those conditions.
Their nose is the hardest obstacle to overcome in my opinion, so heavy winds that confuse them are your friend.
Of course, there are good's and bad's with every scenario for us as the hunter. It is hard to hear, so you have to be much more in tune visually. I tend to hunt much more defined travel areas when windy so I'm more confident in exactly where the deer will be coming from. Treestand hunting is harder, especially if the moving tree makes you uncomfortable.
Bottom line for me is that I get limited hunting days between working and fun-filled, busy family life. So whether windy, rainy, hot...whatever negative hunting scenario plays out, I've got to take my chances when I get them.