Tried, tried, and tried some more to get 340s to work. 68" r/d long bow, 50 lbs at 31", arrows cut at 31 1/2", couple at 32.
Walked the front end weight up to 300 grains, kept showing stiff, whether paper tuning or shooting groups. Spine calculator said I should've been dead on at 225,I was not.
Asked some questions, figured if I wanted different results, better try something different.
Ordered up some .400 GT Traditional Classic shafts.
Forgot to pay attention to the 78 grain outserts, shafts were showing just a bit weak, cut at 31 1/2",.outsert effectively adds a half inch to the shaft, 32 is just a bit more reach than I have.
Cut back to 31",plus the outsert, back at my customary 31 1/2.. 150 up front, so far tight groups, bare and fletched shafts running parallel..
Had to get a new SBD for the different nocks, hopefully a little fine tuning and I,m off to the races!!