It has been a weird year at the property I hunt most. The acorn crop was terrible and as a result, the deer sightings have been terrible as well. I decided to go to another small property that I normally do not hunt til Oct. 25 or later in hopes of looking at some different trees...ha ha ha. The trees and deer movement were excellent. I had 2 different spike bucks in range and then this doe walked out of the creek bottoms fawnless and I decided if I had the chance I would take her. She spotted me trying to turn to get set for the shot and we had a stare down for several minutes. She walked around my tree and got directly down wind of me and stomped her foot but I stood statue like and just waited for her to calm down. Eventually she did and tried to walk back down into the creek bottom. At 22ish yards I drew and waited for a clear shot. She stopped quartering away to smell the ground and I dropped the string. The arrow clipped the back of the near shoulder and smashed through the opposite shoulder. She jumped and bulldozed the woods with her head down into the leaves for 50 yards. I saw her stumble and threw up my bino to see her leave my sight. The woods went silent. I waited 30 minutes and got down. Right as my feet touched the ground a 5 point popped out and ran down where my doe went. I began to slowly and quietly track and kept hearing what I was hoping was the 5 point in front of me running away and not my doe! Turns out it was. About 100 yards later I found her.
Shot her with my 58" Thunderstick Mag 50@28. I draw 27. Gold tip 35/55 29"s long with a 50 grain brass insert and a 175 grain VPA 3 blade.
Meat in the freezer baby!
Thanks for reading.