2nd time out this season on public land and had a nice doe with yearling come in about 30 yards. Looked like they will skirt me and with her head down eating acorns I drew and released my Simmons land shark. Shot felt great and distance didn't feel like it was too far (35 yard practice pays off).
She ran in a circle and dropped like 10 yards away. Funny thing was no blood at site. Couldn't see a blood trail either. Was shocked with all the great reviews and pics here. Knew area where I heard her crash and no blood anywhere. Was getting upset since I haven't gotten a deer in 2 years when almost tripped over her.
I had to back trail to find my arrow which was bright red but little blood. I'm assuming due to the high entrance but I'm not complaining with an 10 yards tracking job.
Course didn't get it on video since was in line with my climber but got good footage of the yearling under my stand aftwards. A great day in the woods and my 7 year old daughter is excited about all the sausages and steaks we'll have soon