Whats Bra country? I'm not sure but it sounds like I would want to take a trip to its neighboring country? lol
Here in NY a couple years ago, I was hunting on the NY and VT border on huge piece of public land. Absolute Gods country up there. I had a sow with three cubs walking straight at me. I didnt think much of it because there was a big tangle between us and I thought they would turn.
After the sow went straight through the thick mess, Its apparent she is on track to run me over. At 20 yards I whistle and wave at her. She stops and stares at me while I continue waving.
She must have thought it was the wind (there wasn't any that morning) because she kept coming.
at 15 Yards I stand up and wave both my arms at her she took another 2 steps and stopped to look at me. now she is about 10 or 12 yards. She assessed the situation pivoted on one foot and walked away with all 3 cubs in tow. I watched them walk all over the mountain for the next hour.
The cool thing I thought was the cubs all were hopping to make sure they stepped directly in moms tracks.
I wasn't too concerned until she started getting close. Mind you I was carrying a rifle and would have shot if I had to, but I was confident she would not attack because I wasn't doing anything to make her think I was coming after her cubs and she was given early warning.
I think given your position, you should do nothing. Keep hunting. Carry Bear Spray if it makes you feel better. If you get uncomfortable with a bear getting too close, Stand up and shoo her away make noise that isn't shouting as to scare away deer. Bears will respect you if you respect them. Oh and take the Twinkies out of your pockets