Here is the collection so far. I have a crow call on order now and plans for a couple more when those are done. All I ask is that he do any combination of cocobolo, antler, bamboo, or brass that he sees fit because I like those materials and they match my favorite bow. Every one of these have called in animals in the field, except the wood duck which I just received and haven't hunted with yet. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.
1: Squirrel chatter with large bellows in cocobolo and antler
2: Squirrel/rabbit distress in cocobolo
3: Double reed duck in cocobolo, brass, and acrylic
4: Single reed duck in cocobolo, brass, and acrylic
5: Wood duck in cocobolo and brass
6: Pig squealer in cocobolo with bamboo spacer at mouth and brass band
7: Doe bleat, all wood, in cocobolo, bamboo, and brass band
8: Adjustable deer grunt tube (fawn to buck) in cocobolo and antler

My favorite of the bunch is the squirrel with bellows. I am and always have been primarily a small game hunter. I just LOVE the pace of chasing squirrel and rabbits. I've owned 5-6 bellows calls before and not one has sounded as well as Jeremy's. I've actually had a couple that scared the squirrels but brought in crows really well. One of my favorite tactics is to walk in, wait until I hear birds moving again, then give the squirrel call a good shake or two with the mouth covered to muffle the volume a bit. That will usually get one or two squirrels either moving or talking one so I can begin spot and stalk hunting.
His deer grunt has been the only call that deer have responded to out of my entire hunting party more than once. They were all using commercially produced calls and in heavily hunted areas the more mature deer just seem to know to ignore those calls. However, I have Jeremy's grunt set up pretty deep in pitch and it doesn't sound plasticy at all. I've watched my father in law blow his late season and deer not flinch, then tooted on my handmade call and watched deer 100yds away in the road IMMEDIATELY perk up and come to investigate.
I'm just a satisfied customer and friend of Jeremy's and wanted to share the good news.