I use to really like licorice, the slightly sweet and salty Dutch stuff, I am Dutch mostly with a bit of Ojibwa. In Holland they have brittle plastic, the kind that does NOT have estrogen mimickers. I had a bag rip, all my licorice fell on the ground, one of the rare days I was in a tree stand. The next morning there were deer tracks everywhere and not one piece of licorice. I got me some licorice chew, Redman. I had a cheek full of the nasty stuff, it gave my hiccups. I spit it out before I got any sicker. Two fawns came by and then their mamma. One of the fawns crept up on the Redman, sniffed and jumped straight up and ran back, then the next fawn, same reaction. then mamma tried a sniff, she snorted and bolted over the hill with her babies in hot pursuit. I went to packing apples in my pockets.