First deer I killed with a bow was from a borrowed 50# Bear Kodiak Hunter with aluminum arrow and a Koplin 4 blade broadhead. That was 36 years ago! After many years and deers later shooting compounds I have gone back to stick and string for fun.
I am shooting a 40# Samick Sage recurve for the moment. I started shooting a 50# Sage back in the Spring and got to having shoulder pain, so off to the Orthopedic surgeon I go. Well as things would have it I had surgery to work on my left shoulder (bow arm) 11 weeks ago to remove a bone spur, arthritis and a "significant loose body" (about the size of a quarter and 1/4" thick from my bicep tendon (tendon had to be detached and reattached. At 8 weeks after surgery I couldn't stand it so I went and bought a 40# recurve because I could almost draw it at that point. Well three weeks later I am up a tree overlooking some dropping oak trees and this deer shows up for a little dinner! I miss him at 20 yards, but since the good old trad bow is so quite he just took a couple of steps and went back to feeding. After about 5 more minutes he feed into my comfort zone of 5 yards and a 190 grain Simmons Interceptor broadhead was launch his way and buried about 16" into his chest. He went about 100 yards before succumbing to the mighty stick and string!!
9 point and weighed 183 lbs