Sure...Ohio and Kansas can be better too.
Every year, there are record harvests...and no impact (other than thanks to deer farmers) to the season. We still have antler restrictions, but that hasn't hampered numbers. We still have unlimited doe tags. As a landowner, I get a string of tags a mile long. We've even added crossbows and I can still kill more deer than I can eat if I wanted to.
MO has been creeping up on the big trophy states in a big way over the last 10 years.
We work directly with the Conservation Dept for forest preservation, land management, prairie rehab and removal of invasive species. Since we started working with those folks, our wildlife has increased more than I've seen for nearly 40 years.
In the last 15 years, we've seen a steady increase of overall deer population (as well as turkey, dove, quail, bobcat, fox, rabbits, etc) just on our small 200 acre farm.
Folks forget that deer management doesn't end with the Conservation Dept. Private landowners have a responsibility as well. And don't tell me that if given the opportunity, and had the need for more meat, you wouldn't take a 3rd buck if that's all you had come by your stand.
The last 4 seasons, I've had more different bucks cross my stand than does...not just a couple more. On average I've seen 8-12 different bucks (more than half 8 or more points) to 1-2 does. 3 years ago, I saw 10 different bucks, 8 of which were 8+ and I didn't see a single doe. My hunts are 5-7 days when I can make it home during the first week of Nov or last week of Oct. We could care less about how many antlers we bring home...they don't taste good. Hell, I'd rather have an old nanny come by the stand, then I wouldn't have to count headgear.
Unfortunately, I live in a bordering CWD county, and there are no restrictions and it's open season again...which was not influenced by previous management.
You can't tell me MO has poor deer management. If you think so, you haven't invited an agent to your property and put the time into land management.
If management was poor, I'd be limited to 1, maybe 2 deer a year by the state and I'd rarely see a deer.