This morning I got to use my grandfather's old canoe, the first time it's been used in 28 years! It's an old aluminum 15/16 foot type that he and my uncle cammoed in the late '60s or early '70s for duck hunting.
I've been wanting to take it to the WMA/WDU of our local Corps of Engineers lake for several years, and finally had the chance this morning. While I returned home empty handed it was great to get back into a canoe and just paddle. My long bow is a bit too much to try and shoot seated and I'm not even going to contemplate standing, so the plan is to beach it periodically and sit the shoreline or nearby.
I was able to sneak near numerous bushy tailed tree rats with only one concerned about my presence. The amount of deer & swine tracks every where was amazing, hopefully the next trip I can slow down and connect with something.