I was able to take a decent doe last Friday (21 Oct) with my new Javaman Falcon. I have private land to hunt but have been dealing with trespassers and such on it for the last few years. I thought I would give some public land a try, so my brother-in-law (hawk22) and I scouted some spots out this last spring.
I shot the doe at 6:43 p.m., with a 16mph NW wind. She was approximately 40 yards away, and somehow I was able to get a pass-through and take out both lungs. She made it about 100 yards. I need to give my brother-in-law a shout out too, he drove an hour away after working a 12 hour shift to help me take care of everything.
If anyone is wondering my arrow setup:
32" Easton Full Metal Jackets, 400 spine
75gr brass insert
125gr VPA 3 blade