I've been hunting nearby Public land almost exclusively for the past 7-8 years due to my previous spots being sold or the owners allowing relatives first dibs as they became of hunting age. So, the state public land I hunt has a rule that you must take a doe before you are eligible to take a buck. I'm losing track of the times I've passed on nice bucks because I hadn't taken a doe yet. You wouldn't think it would be that tuff to take care of the doe requirement, but it never fails, I'll have bucks on top of me and no does. I finally get a doe and the bucks disappear.
The picture below isn't very clear, but I had this dandy 10pt, point blank at 6yds Sunday evening. Milled around my tree for a good 10-15 minutes and didn't have a clue I was there - argh!!! The only positive thing is, I've gotten real use to being around nice deer and watching them. I guess the adrenaline might start flowing if I knew I could actually shoot them.
We don't have to physically check in deer anymore in Illinois , it is all done online. I know there are a lot of guys who sacrifice their doe tag and register online the first day or two of season as though they have shot a doe even though they haven't. Then they go after bucks.
I've thought about it, but I guess I'm just the kind that plays by the rules.