So I got into my stand a little bit late and snuck in slowly and as quietly as possible...
I was going to drag this out Tradgang style
Anyway, right as I was screwing in my bow hanger and had just hung my bow up I heard footsteps in The early dawn light. I readied my bow and was able to make out antlers as the deer made it to about 20 yards still closing the distance walking directly at me. When he got right underneath my tree I realized he was a nice mature buck...
I'm not sure if it was legal shooting light but I could certainly see him well and I drew my bow and prepared to shoot as he angled away from me after crossing less than a foot from the tree I hung in.
Unfortunately, he smelled something he didn't like and busted out of there and into the next county. I hung my bow up, a little discouraged but glad to take in the experience.
Within 15 more minutes I had passed up on two year and a half old bucks. And hour later nothing...
At about 830 I saw antlers coming through the trees. I could tell it was a nice buck with some character. I prepared for the shot and focused on his body. As he passed after walking underneath of my stand I made a shot. I saw my arrow sink deep but not pass through.
I could tell my shot was good and he ran over the hill and I heard a crash.